Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Subtracting with mixed numbers

If you have unlike denominators :
2 3/4 - 1 1/4
One method use fraction strips
* Second method = Subtract whole numbers
Answer the following :

a) 2 2/3 - 1 1/3 =
2 - 1 = 1
2/3 - 1/3 = 1/3

1 1/3

b) 3 7/8 - 1 3/8 =
3 - 1 = 2

7/8 - 3/8 = 4/8
2 4/8

Lowest terms = 2 2/4, 2 1/2

c) 4 3/4 - 1/4 =

3/4 - 1/4= 2/4
4 2/4
Lowest terms - 4 1/2

Unlike Denominators
- Find the common denominator
We don't want to have a whole number (2) and a negative fraction so we must regroup


Steps :
1. Subtract the whole numbers
2. Subtract fractions
3. Combine them

Answer the following ; a ) 4 1/4 - 3 2/5

b) 4 1/4 - 7/8


  1. Excellent Job Allison! I like your scribepost it is really neat and clear to read but you should space things out a bit more. Next time try to remember to put a link and a video to help us out more. I really liked your pictures they are very nice and neat! Great Job on not using to much color. Overall Excellent Job ! (:

  2. Great Job Allison! I like how you made the font size nice and big to see. Your images were also very well done! I think you got pretty much all the notes we did today! Next time you should try and add a link and/or video, but other than that, you did a very good job! :)

  3. Good Job Allison. Your scribe is really organized. I liked how you used different colours for the important words. At first I didn't get what Mr. Isfeld wrote on the overhead but when I read yours I understood it. Your scribe could be improved by adding a link and a video to explain more about Subtracting mixed numbers. I really liked your pictures. :)
    Anyways good job!

  4. Good job Allison, this was a very organized scribe. I liked your use of colours and your picture were really neat. I think you got every notes we needed for today. Next time try to add a link and or a website it could've been better with those but really great job, keep it up. (:

  5. Goodjoob Allison ! This was a very nice scribe . I also like how you made the font verry BIG .

  6. Awesome job Allison! Your scribe was really nice. I like the images that you put and how you made the font big. Next time, remember to put a video and a link to make your post better.

  7. Amazing job Allison! You did a great job with this post! I think you did a really good job with the pictures and I like how you used colours as well as a big font. I also think everything is neat tidy but next time I think you should add a video and maybe a link to help people who don't understand and to make it a better post.

  8. great job allison im surprised you got every thing anyways good job and nice color and pictures :)

  9. I know that was probably the hardest but you have tried the blog before so that it is a little bit easy to do for you Alison and by the way you did a great job with the diagrams by putting the into those boxes and one more thing is you used the colors very nicer

  10. Very Good Allison!!! This scribe was very hard to do, but you did it. I like the way you made the words and letters pop up. Also I like you almost got everything on it and the boxes with information in it. Great Job.

  11. Good Job Allison. you had a long blog to do. and you pulled it off. i liked how you posted pictures and made it really easy to read. good job.

  12. Good Job Allison. I really like the pictures and the different colours you used. Next time put a video or a link. Overall good job!

  13. Good job Allison! I liked your images, because they were clear. Thankss for making it organized and neat. I understood it good.

  14. Good job Allison! I know that it was a little hard to copy everything down before but you made it easier to understand. The images a good and clear, the colours are very interesting and everything was alot more organized than my notes. Awsome job!!!

  15. Good job Allison. The pictures are really good and it is really neat and organized.

  16. Whoa!Outstanding scribe post Allison!You really put alot of effort on that!The pictures were great help and so was the steps!The only thing that was missing was the video and a link though but everything was organized and well thought out!All you need to do now is relax from all that typing and searching!Keep up the good work!

  17. Great Job Allison! I like how you made the font size nice and big to see. Your images were also very well done! I think you got pretty much all the notes we did today! Next time you should try and add a link and/or video, but other than that, you did a very good job!

  18. Great, great post! I liked the pictures and the colors. A video might've helped a little but I think that this post was really helpful by itself, and helped me too!
    Check out my post at:

  19. Great job Allison! I really like your post and that it was very organized and neat! Keep up the great work!

  20. great job!! everything is well organized and neat!

  21. -Late Comment-
    GREAT JOB ALLISON! This post was very nice and neat. :)
    But, I think you should have put a link/video. Overall, great job. Keep up the good work! :D
